Book Geek,  T5W

Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite Bromances edition


Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group that gives a topic every week for your Top 5 lists, be it on your blog, youtube, instagram, tumblr, etc. This week’s topic is your top 5 favorite bromances.


This topic took a bit of digging back through my read list. I know of and enjoy a lot of female friendships in my novels but not so much bromances. At least not bromances that tip over into the full on romance scales. Without further ado, here are my top 5 favorite bromances (in no particular order).

Mikey and Jared in The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness – This is just a lovely friendship and it was one of my favorite parts of the book. Mikey doesn’t care that Jared is gay and there’s none of that “OMG HE MIGHT HIT ON ME AND THAT IS GROSS” posturing that is so typical with straight guy/gay guy relationships in any form. Jared is supportive of Mikey and tries so hard to make him feel better when his OCD spirals. It’s just so touching.

Locke and Jean Tannen in The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch –  If you haven’t read this yet, the first thing you should know is Locke will do pretty much anything for his friends. You don’t fuck with them if you aren’t looking for some serious hurt. His friendship with Jean Tannen is amazing and hilarious. Jean Tannen is basically the long suffering straight man to Locke’s crazy antics and I love them both so much.

Harry and Bob in  The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher – This is the one friendship on this list where I was a little unsure about adding it. I mean, TECHNICALLY Harry owns Bob. Either way, the interactions with Harry and Bob are some of my favorite parts of these books. I love the snarky back and forth between them and Bob’s love of romance novels cracks me up.

Will, will, and Tiny in  Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan – Ok, first off, Tiny is one of my FAVORITE characters. Yes, he is somewhat problematic in his being kind of a stereotype of the fabulous gay man, but he reminds me so very much of my friends Anthony and Keith in high school. Both of them were amazing, wonderful, fabulous, out gay men. They were both a little over the top despite getting a metric fuckton of shit for it because this was high school *mumbles* years ago. I digress. Tiny’s friendships with both Wills are great, but let’s be honest, Tiny would be the greatest friend to anyone and this book should just be about him.

Ethan and Link in The Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl Ethan/Link – Since I’m currently on a re-read of this series, this bromance is still fresh in my mind. Link is the best. He deals with his batshit DAR-loving Mom, the fact that his best friend wants to tank their popularity by hanging out with the one person everyone in town hates, and the fact that his best friend kind of does that shitty thing where he ditches Link when for a girl. Despite Ethan being kind of douchey to Link for the first part of Book One, Link still loans his car, sticks up for Ethan, and hangs out with him even though it is socially disadvantageous. Ethan definitely wises up by the end of Book One and they go on to have a glorious friendship despite the supernatural shenanigans that happen.

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