Book Geek

  • Book Geek,  monthly wrap up

    January Reading Wrap Up

    Now that my body has decided to stop trying to kill me (maybe, we can never be certain) I’m hoping to have energy to actually post again. The one good thing about being forced to take a break is that…

  • Book Geek

    Mid Year Book Freakout

    I know that this is typically a BookTube thing, but video editing is too much work for me right now. I also know that it’s a liiiiiittle past mid year, but in the grand tradition of my ancestors, I’m late.…

  • Book Geek

    August 2023 TBR

    For the non-readers or mood readers in the crowd, a TBR is a To Be Read list. I tend to use mine as a general “it would be nice if I got through these” list. I always have lofty ambitions…

  • Book Geek,  Uncategorized

    Reading Rush 2019 TBR

    It’s that time of year again, time for the Reading Rush! (Formerly the Booktube-a-thon) Since I am the best at being a slacker, my TBR is going up with a whole 2 hours to spare. There are a few books…

  • Book Geek

    March 2019 TBR

    Oh hello there. Nice to see you again. Am I doing my March TBR despite not having done January or February wrap ups or any reviews? Yes, yes I am. I blame the plague that hit my house and the…

  • Book Geek,  T5W

    Top 5 Most Anticipated Books of 2019

    It was surprisingly hard to narrow this down to a Top 5 list because there are a LOT of titles I’m excited about coming out this year. The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays by Esme Weijun Wang – I feel like there…

  • Book Geek

    2019 Bookish Goals

    I went in to 2018 without any real concrete goals or plans of what I wanted to do so I am trying to step up my game this year. I’m trying to be cautious since I have health issues and…

  • best and worst,  Book Geek

    Best & Worst of 2018

    This year has been a good year reading wise. I’ve read 64 books (65 if I finish the last 2 hours of My Sister, the Serial Killer at work today) which is by far the most I’ve read in a…

  • Book Geek

    December 2017 TBR

    How is it already December?! I have basically lost all track of days and/or time lately. But, I’m going to try to get back on track for December and I figured a TBR would be the best way to do…