Book Geek

Weekly Reading and Finished 8/28/17

Last week wasn’t exactly the most productive reading wise since I was training at work and couldn’t read for half my shift like I normally do. I still managed to finish two books, and I loved both of them.

  1. When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon – I started out listening to this on audio but when my digital check out from the library expired and I couldn’t renew it because of the hold list, I swapped to the ebook. I highly recommend both but the audio is particularly well done. It’s also great because you don’t have to stop and google search how to pronounce the Hindi phrases that pepper the book.I loved Dimple and her act first, think later, somewhat bitchy personality. Rishi is essentially a precious cinnamon roll too perfect for this world.  The book is an adorable read, with some insight into living your truth even if you’re afraid your family won’t like it. I highly recommend if you’re a fan of YA contemporary.
  2. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas – This book. I almost don’t know how to put into words how I feel about this book. Despite many, many sources telling me it was amazing and the 13 house auction it went through to get published, I was worried that it wouldn’t live up to the hype. It so did. It’s important and I only hope the movie does it justice. I read the ebook, but I really want to listen to the audio as well at some point. Starr was so well written and the depiction of PTSD that sadly often happens to most kids who grow up in bad neighborhoods witnessing horrible things. If you’re looking for something to show you how these horrific things affect a community and how the people who witness them are forced to deal with them, then I can’t recommend it enough.

Currently reading; Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson, Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (audio, reread)

Immediate TBR: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff, Stephanie Brown Batgirl trades by Brian Q Miller, and Alex + Ada by Jonathan Luna


What about you? Has anyone read any of these, if so, what did you think?

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